Name of your club/organisation (as it appears on your constitution or governing document if applicable):
Club/Organisation address:
Club/Organisation Postcode:
Daytime telephone number:
Mobile telephone number:
Club/Organisations website address
If you are a registered charity, please give your registration number
Are you independent or a branch of a larger organisation or group of organisation?
Name and charity number of your parent organisation if this applies
Describe the purpose and activities of your organisation
Your name
Role in the Organisation
Daytime phone number
Evening phone number
Mobile phone number
Your email
Tell us about the children and young people your project is working with (numbers, ages, gender, times, etc.) Please use no more than 250 words.
SportTheaterDrama GroupMusic GroupScouts or Girl GuidesYouth ClubGardening ClubOther
If other, please say what
What would you use the money for?
How much will your project cost in total £?
How much money are you asking from Go Kids Go £?
If this application is to fund existing work, or part of a bigger project, what hs your organisation done to date to raise money?
Name of person responsible for child protection
Job title of person responsible for child protection
How are your finances funded? (subscriptions, grants, fund-raising, donations etc.)
It would be helpful if you could give us specific details of how you heard about Go Kids Go! (for example: member of the Lions Club, one its supporters, in the Weston Mercury, informed by another club, through your organisation etc)
123 Fifth Avenue, NY 10160, New York, USA | Phone: 800-123-456 | Email:
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